I’M BACK! Sorta.

Happy 2020, one and all! How have you guys been?

Things are wonderful on my end. I’ve done a crapton of traveling (quarterly visits to Tokyo, literally). A lot of crafting was done over the holidays; I wanted most of my gifts to be handmade so I’ve been swimming in more yarn than I can crochet lately. I’ve experienced so many amazing things from an intense 3-day anisong concert to meeting my favorite Japanese stage actors. My 2019 life had been very good.

My 2019 reading life, however, er… that kind of suffered. I only read 81 things last year, some of those are manga re-reads or just speeding through a series to add to my numbers. Since I was traveling, I barely had any reading done. There were weeks where I didn’t even look at a book, much less pick one  up to read it. I did finish an audio book while in Japan only because my lease on that was coming up. I know 81 books is nothing to laugh about but in general, it was a rather weak reading year for me. I did enjoy quite a few books but towards the end of the year, I just wasn’t reading.

This year, I want to change that. Not only to read more but also to read more physical books. I, too, was sucked into the whole Book Outlet and books for cheap hype. Across used bookstores, thrift shops, and online sellers, I’ve accumulated a lot of physical books. (Hah, my yarn stash is starting to sing the same tune.) However, I also have e-readers and quite frankly, they are much more convenient to tote around on the go. I don’t think I even read a physical book all of last year apart from some light novels and manga. I already told myself that if I were to buy a book, it should be either signed or less than $10 brand new. (LOL, let’s see how long I can stick to that.)

Anyway, I don’t usually do this IRL but here are my 2020 READING RESOLUTIONS. I can’t guarantee anything but I am determined to stick to these few. It’s about time I get back into reading because it’s fun and I enjoy it very much.

For the first one, I already mentioned it: Reading more PHYSICAL books. I’m still going to read on my e-reader and listen to audio books but I will make an effort to read an actual book for a change. I have piles and piles in my room. I do have a book sleeve I bought YEARS ago and I want to be one of the cool kids that use theirs. And I honestly want to buy more of those book sleeves.

Speaking of piles of books, I want to try to Unhaul the books that either I’m no longer interested in or those that I didn’t like. That will then motivate me to read an actual book in order to decide whether I like that book or not. I mostly have older titles because I never really kept up with what’s new. I’m overwhelmed as it is haha. So I hope that will make this whole unhauling business a little bit easier.

Next on my list is to Review books on GoodReads. “I like it” or “It was meh” don’t cut it anymore. I used to word vomit on some titles – even blogging about them here – but lately, I’ve been uninspired. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve read quite a few amazing (and awful) books but none have fired me up enough to sit down and spend time to write about it. It’s one of those “I can’t be bothered” moments. I do have something to say but… I was lazy, I guess. If my falling from the face of this blog was any indication. 😉

One thing that I think was to blame for my disinterest in reviewing stuff was my goal of completing reading challenges. I would sometimes pick a book just so I can fulfill an item off the prompts. So it felt like it was forced rather than me really wanting to read something. Or instead of reading something I like, I’d reading something else just to cross that item off the list. Am I the only crazy one who feels this way? I’m definitely overthinking things, right?  So in that vein, my next resolution is to Not join annual reading challenges or readathons. I must say that I enjoyed the smutty reading challenge a lot! But while trying to complete that, I got so overwhelmed by the millions of romance books in existence. I tend to read oddly specific tropes, usually back-to-back, and I end up losing track of my reading plans.

I may participate in Tome Topple since that’s more chill and it gives me an excuse to tackle a 500-page book. Not that it’s needed. But that readathon is quite fun and the organizers are really supportive. So it’s not a total write off. Just… the less pressure the better.

I also want to go back to my yearly resolution of reading more from Asian authors, especially Japanese ones. I have quite a collection of Japanese fiction and I want to make a dent on that pile. I’m open to reading from other Asian authors but my priority is definitely Japanese ones. This includes light novels and manga.

What else? Oh, not really reading related but I do want to Write More. Not just blog posts and reviews, but in general. Honestly, I’ve sort of neglected my bullet journal for about a month now (vacation is fun but everything IRL takes a backseat lol). That used to be my main writing outlet. I also used to write fan fiction. I have so many ideas still! But right now, I don’t think I’ll post them anywhere. I would rather write them down in a notebook (I specifically bought a Moleskine squared grid notebook for this purpose last year)… and probably hide them for the rest of eternity. Hey, at least I got it out of my brain!

I think that’s it. I’m sorta back in the game. Maybe. Let’s see how long I can keep this up.

If you’re curious about the other stuff that I’m doing, the best place to keep up with me is my InstagramI guess. And Twitter, if you’re interested.

So I guess, I’ll see you when I see you!

End of the Year Survey 2017

I debated whether to wait for the actual end of the year before doing this but I figured I won’t be able to finish that many books between now and the 31st. I’m currently almost done with Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente. I see myself squeezing in a few more manga volumes to round up my final number to, hopefully, 130 but I will only be continuing series I’m already reading. On the audiobook side, I borrowed All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka but haven’t even started it. I actually got an hour into A Long Way to A Small and Angry Planet by Becky Chambers but it failed to keep my attention for longer than 5 seconds. I guess that’s one of those books that you have to actually read.

I think I did well with my Better World Books Reading Challenge. Basically, it was fitting in books I already read vs reading those titles that I chose at the beginning of the year. So it’s a fail in that aspect but still, I’ll give myself that. I may do something like this again just for a guide or inspiration to broaden my interests.

My consumption of manga and audio books were definitely more than last year. I mean, I read (as of this posting) 126 books (including Deathless). Twenty-six of those are audio books and fifty-nine are manga or graphic novels. That leaves 41 novels/books. Not bad considering I did read some big books this year. I’ve grown to love my library apps, Hoopla Digital and Overdrive a lot. They are an awesome source of audio content. In my 20some years, this is the most I’ve gotten use out of a library. XD

Overall, 2017 was a crazy reading year. See you on the other side!

Once again, thanks to Perpetual Page Turner Jamie for this tag.


Number Of Books You Read: 126 (as of 12/29)
Number of Re-Reads: (I did read Jane Eyre this year but in manga form.)
Genre You Read The Most From: manga (format) and fantasy.


1. Best Book You Read In 2017? The Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson owned 2017. All of the books are amazing. Despite their lengths, I look forward to reading them.

2. Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn’t? Let’s see… I was excited to finally see what the fuss is all about over The Grishaverse by Leigh Bardugo. Unfortunately, I wasn’t feeling it from the first few pages of the first book. I did finish the trilogy only by the combined forces of Nikolai, Genya, and David. Mal and Alina actually made me dislike the trilogy even more.

3. Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read?  In a good way, New Adult! If ever I said in the past that I dislike NA, I take it back. I’m so fascinated by it. Him by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy changed my opinion on the genre. Then I read Priest by Sierra SimoneOh lawd! Now, I have a sizable collection of NA romance on my many e-readers just waiting to be enjoyed.

4. Book You “Pushed” The Most People To Read (And They Did)? Japanese fiction in general. I’ve amassed quite a collection and read a good amount and I tend to love most of them. It has a different vibe from Western writing even though it is translated into English. I recommended the Ring series by Koji Suzuki to those who loved the movies but never knew they were originally books. Same with Keigo Higashino translated works.

5. Best series you started in 2017? Best Sequel of 2017? Best Series Ender of 2017? I finished quite a few series this year and wow, it’s an awesome feeling to cross those out finally. The best that I started is The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer with Cinder. Best sequel is a toss up between Spiral by Koji Suzuki, from the Ring series; and Us by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy, from Him. And the best ender has got to be The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson.

6. Favorite new author you discovered in 2017? I want to say Brandon Sanderson but I started reading The Final Empire late December of last year. I say… Laini Taylor. The word to describe her writing is magical. Yes, it’s a bit purple prosey but it works with the theme of her books. At least with the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy.

7. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone? From the YA Contemporary genre, When It’s Real by Erin Watt. I listened to this on a whim and oh boy, I was hooked so much that there were times when I would stop typing (at work) so I can savor the story better.

8. Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year? Battle Royale by Koushun Takami. It’s The Hunger Games on steroids. And as an honorable mention, A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas. Totes serious.

9. Book You Read In 2017 That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year? I should just come out and say that I’m not one for re-reads. Yeah, those days are behind me.

10. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2017? The UK editions of the Mistborn trilogy. Continue reading

Kobo Aura ONE – Limited Edition: A Non-Review

So… I did a thing. I bought a thing. I got it yesterday and already, it’s one of the best things ever!


Let me introduce you to my new Kobo Aura ONE 32 GB Limited Edition. Yes. After eight years, your girl got herself an e-ink e-reader. My first ever digital reader was the 1st generation Barnes and Noble Nook. You know, that one with the colored panel at the bottom? Yeah, I wasn’t much of a fan of that. Then my 2nd e-reader was the Kindle Fire HD 32 GB. I’ve been using it a lot again lately because I love the Kindle’s feature of putting how many minutes are left in the chapter/book. But Amazon’s ecosystem is quite limiting even with its large selection of books on sale. Then upon its release, I bought the Barnes & Noble Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook. I love it. I now mainly use it for manga reading because it’s basically a Samsung Tab 4. And I also put videos on there so I can bring it on the go with me.

So with two perfectly working e-reader tablets, what is the Kobo Aura ONE for? Continue reading

Happy World Book Day 2016!

I would just like to drop by and wish you all a Happy World Book Day!

One Dollar Bookstore, Eagle Rock Plaza

Not that we need a special day to celebrate the wonderful existence of books. 😉

Today, enjoy your current read. Revisit your favorite book. Recommend a good one to a friend. Introduce your childhood favorites to your younger sibling or child. Discover your next good read. Influence someone else to start their reading journey.

“Dear Santa” update!

Remember my TTT: Dear Santa post from (technically) last year? Well, it got to Santa and I got 4 out of the 10 (11, actually) books on that list. It would’ve been five but I got the sequel to the book, not the exact one I mentioned.

Santa didn’t really bring me those books. Nor were they gifts from other people. I bought them myself. See what I mean. I get asked for a wishlist but no one else would fulfill them for me. Oh well. It’s there when anyone needs it.

Over the final days of 2015, I got these books in the mail:

I call these my Sword and Scale books. They’re recommendations from that podcast. I already finished reading The White House BoysWorking Stiff will be my reading challenge entry for “books from the library” because this was a library copy.

With this shipment, I also received a hardbound, library copy of Symbiont by Mira Grant. That will be my entry for “books with a blue cover”. I will get Chimera eventually to finish up the trilogy.

And this… oh what a joy to have this.

Generation Kill is one of my favorite books and mini-series of all time. I got so attached to everything about it. I have multiple copies of this book but I was missing a signed one. I missed an opportunity some years ago when I couldn’t make to a rare signing event. Next best thing was to purchase one that is not addressed to me. That’s okay. Just as long as it is signed.

I got the second Soul Eater Soul Art book from Little Tokyo just this week. The original one is out of print and if I still want that, I have to shell out $60 something for a copy. I’m thinking about it but right now, I’m enjoying Soul Eater Soul Art 2 because it also has Soul Eater NOT in it.

From the same bookstore in Little Tokyo, I realized that I can also get the 2 Japanese books in my list. I’m still debating but if ever I confirm that we are going to EVO 2016, I might just go ahead and purchase them.

I am fully aware that I don’t have enough space as it is but there is something about physical books that I can’t quit. I may have to learn how to let go of some of them eventually.

How about you? What did Santa bring you? (What did you get for yourself?) How do you deal with the space issue?



It’s the middle of the year and my book blog is going through a bit of a crisis. It’s growing up and some changes are going to happen in the coming weeks.

First, a change of themes. “Something Fishy” gave me a great year, year-and-a-half of blogging. It was my home during my return from a loooooooong hiatus from book blogging. Many of you liked it and I did too. It was fun and happy and definitely interesting. But I outgrew the quirky little fishes, the aqua background, and the cute fishing hook on the left. WordPress.COM has a very limited selection of themes and you can only use what’s available on the site instead of with WordPress.ORG where you can customize your site to death. I’m not looking for that. I certainly am not talented enough to design a masterpiece. Heck, I can’t even work Photoshop! (That’s the truth.)

What you are currently seeing is a drastic change from that colorful undersea world. It’s plain, monochrome, very minimal. It’s called “The Zoren Theme” and I love how simple and clean it is. I believe content is more important than a pretty blog. You can be both though. 😉

And with this theme change comes a… NAME CHANGE. Yes. After so many months of going back and forth, I’ve finally decided to go ahead and change my book blog’s name. READING GOOD BOOKS is something I chose on a whim when I first found myself on WordPress.com with a heart full of feelz over a book. When I first wrote about the choice of name, I received encouragements that led me to keep it for another year. (LOL what is this, a lease?!) It worked at that time and still serves its purpose to this day but I was never truly satisfied with it. It sounded… sounds… trying hard to be formal. It sounds… not right? I don’t even know. :\

To others, it has good SEO potential with popular keywords. To me, it sounds unfinished. It leaves me hanging. I don’t know about you guys, but I just don’t like it. And if the owner herself is not happy, then what’s the point, right? And I guess that is reason enough to change it. I’m aware of running the risk of losing a part of my viewership but a renewed push can remedy that. I sincerely hope that my content will keep you guys around in spite of the name and URL change.

Because you guys are important to me, I will take you with me on this journey. Please help me pick out my blog’s new name. I heard somewhere that there’s an unwritten rule in blogging that you can only change names ONCE. This is my one and only card to play. Help me make the best decision that will stay with my blog for as long as I write on it. (Or change it again, say… another four years down the line hahaha.)

I’ve always wanted a better blog name. Nothing too gimmicky but a more fun, quirky, and witty name that fits my personality and content more. Maybe a name change will make me more excited to write actual reviews and promote my blog more. Here’s a few choices. Please take your pick and let me know in the comments what you think and if you have more suggestions. I put short explanations under the poll in case you’re interested.


* Booksona is a play on the word “persona”. This came up from one of those name generators. Yeah, I know… lol. It just so happens that one of my favorite games/anime is Persona 4.

Being Reading is another one from the name generator. This is one of the few names that didn’t sound random or silly. I do like this.

Shelf Pickings is a name that I’ve been thinking about for a while. My thinking behind it is that we all have shelves but we don’t get to read everything on it. And even if we do, we don’t recommend everything on it. Or maybe you do but I don’t lol. I’m overthinking things. This name sounds rather common but I can make a story behind it. What do you think?

Spoiled Readings is something that I ran through my brother’s judgment. He said it sounds too niche-y and I agree. But I’m still putting this out here. If this “wins”, then my blog may become a more specific blog that it already is. (I keep a separate blog for non-bookish things, events and such.) If not, then I’ll reserve this as a series or post tag for spoilery reviews and rants.

So there you go. I’m sorry if this ran long but I just had a lot on my mind. Plus, this is a huge decision. I hope you can help me with it. Thanks in advance! ❤

SURVEYS | Because I do run out of things to say. ;-)

I’m stealing this off the Musings of a Bookmammal blog.  Surveys are always so much fun.  Feel free to link back if you did this one as well.  I love reading your answers!

1. Do you have a specific place for reading?   No, I can read anywhere.  But I do have preferred places for reading.  I like reading while on a train, especially if it’s a long trip.  I can do a car ride but I tend to stare out the window.  I watch TV on the plane so no reading to be done there.  On my bed is fine too, as long as I can find a comfortable position.

2. Book mark or random piece of paper?    Actual bookmarks, if available.  I get free bookmarks from my local bookstore and I pick up discounted bookmarks if I like the design.  I used to do the random piece of paper thing but it’s not the most attractive thing in the world.  I’d use at least a piece of card – business card, rewards coupon… something harder than a receipt.

3. Can you just stop anywhere in a book or do you have to stop at the end of a chapter?    I stop at the end of a paragraph.  It doesn’t matter which part of the book or page it is, just as long as it is the end of a paragraph.

4. Do you eat or drink when reading?   Not often.  Drink, yes.  Eat, probably candy.  Especially those wonderful Sour Patch Watermelon chews.

5. Music or TV on when reading?   I don’t mind it.  I tend to zone out when I’m reading a very good book.  Lately, I’ve been reading with my brother’s video gaming in the background.  Or pick a random playlist on Spotify/Pandora and let it play out.

6. One book at a time or several?  I will try out several different books until I find the perfect fit.  After that, I stick to one.

7. Reading at home or elsewhere?    EVERYWHERE.  I don’t read a whole lot a home, to be honest.  Most of my reading was done in transit.  Now that my work place is literally walking distance from my house, I’m learning to find time reading while at home.

8. Read out loud or silently?   Silently.  It’s faster.  But if I encounter a part that doesn’t make much sense, I read it aloud.

9. Do you read ahead or skip pages?    I don’t mind spoilers.  I really don’t.  There are times when I will go into a book completely blind.  If I end up not liking what I’m reading, I might read ahead to check if anything in the latter pages becomes interesting; it’ll become something I look forward to. If I like the book, the suspense might be too much for me to handle and I’d read the very last page.  Getting to that end will be my adventure.

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?     I’m very careful with my book.  Even with my thick mass market paperbacks.  The only sign of wear on those (assuming I got them brand new) would be a slight yellowing of pages.  But the spine?  Pristine.

11. Do you write in your books?    If I have multiple copies of it, I might write on my oldest one.  Generally, I don’t write on them but I’m not above it.

12. Who are you tagging?   If you want to do it, go ahead.  And please, link back.  I would love to see your responses!


I love these things. Lists, questions, surveys, meme… I love doing them. So if you have an interesting one or one that you want me to answer, leave it here. 🙂  I was nominated twice before, once here and once on my other blog. I have those linked here if you want to check them out.

This time, I was nominated by one of my new book blogger pals, Kath from Read? Read. Go check her blog out. The rules are the same as last time so let’s get to it!

(1) answer 11 questions about yourself
(2) ask 11 more questions to your nominations and
(3) nominate 11 blogs to pass on the award by linking to their blog and then letting them know about the nomination


  1. What are you currently reading? How is it so far?
    I started Horns by Joe Hill about a week ago and I’m still just 100 pages deep. I’m liking it so far and hopefully, I can finish it before the month/year ends. November was such a crazy month and together with day-to-day happenings, I just did not have time to sit down and read. And even when I have free time, I spent it watching Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Call me obsessed because I really am. I’ve been an on-and-off anime fan and the last 3-4 that I watched, Persona 4 Animation, Soul Eater, I absolutely loved. I’m also in the middle of the first light novel in the Spice and Wolf series and it’s kind of fantastic.
  2. Who is your favorite author? Why?
    Let’s get the JK RowlingJRR Tolkien, and Jane Austen out of the way, shall we? Everyone and (quite literally) their mothers love them. One of my newer favorites is Diana Gabaldon. I don’t know where I’ve been all these years. Do yourself a favor and challenge yourself with Outlander. Her research, character- and world-building are just phenomenal. They say books take you places… the Outlander series definitely does. Next thing you know, you’re checking out flights and tours to Scotland.
  3. What book to movie adaptation you hated the most?
    You see, I don’t hate the adaptation as a whole; I just hate one character portrayal. In Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief, the character of Grover was this annoying little shit. He was one of my favorites from the book and to make me hate that character so much after watching the movie? The film did something so wrong.
  4. Do you prefer reading Fiction or Non-Fiction?
    Fiction. I like Non-Fiction as well but not much on auto/biographies and memoirs. I like Military History though. History in general. And True Crime. I like those.
  5. How many physical books you own so far?
    A lot. But probably not as much as many of you. I do prefer to have the book in my hand but I’m just being practical here. I don’t have enough space. For some books, I do buy them because either they’re my absolute favorite or I will have them signed.
  6. Have you read the Harry Potter series? If yes, who is your favorite character. If not, why?
    YES. Multiple times. My favorite character is Oliver Wood. I cannot explain to you why lol. I also like the Weasley twins.
  7. What do you think are the reasons why there are some people hate the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer?
    I don’t know about you but it’s really awful. It honestly had good ideas but holy crap, the writing was – IS – terrible. I like flawed characters but dang, I do not want to be Bella nor sympathize with her. So many things are so wrong and bad about those books that I only compare them to the other books in the “saga”. Ugh, to call it a saga. >_<
  8. If given by chance to date one fictional charater, who would that be?
    Peeta Mellark.
  9. Do you have a book that you’ve read more than 3 times? If yes, what is that book?
    Jane Eyre. Generation Kill. The Hobbit. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I read the first three once every year.
  10. Do you play any instruments?
    Yes, the guitar. Flipped to fit a left-handed player.
  11. Your favorite book cover?
    I don’t care much about covers to be honest.



1. Have you read books that are not in English? Which language(s)? Translations from English originals count.
2. Do you have another blog? Something not book-related?
3. Who is your favorite character from all of Middle-Earth?
4. Do you have a reading playlist? To get you in the mood.
5. What is the one book that you hope never gets a screen adaptation?
6. I saw The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies last night with the rest of the cast and it absolutely destroyed me. Do you have a movie/book series that ended and you felt like your life also ended?
7. If you change the name of your blog, what would you call it?
8. Do you read the backs of shampoo bottles when you’re bored in the loo?
9. What is your Starbucks – or any other cafe – drink of choice?
10. Three things from your Christmas bookish wishlist.
11. Three things from your non-bookish wishlist.


I’m not going to tag anyone. If you want to do this, go ahead. Just remember to leave your link as comment. 😉


TAG, YOU’RE IT! | This or That?

I’m stealing this off of the lovely Read? Read. blog. And she got this from Inspired By LiteratureFeel free to do it too.

Physical book or E-book?
I like book. But as much as I would want to accumulate physical books, the space that I currently have does not allow that. Over time, I’ve seen the practicality and convenience of ebooks and now, I love them just as much as physical books.

Audio or Book in hand?
Book in hand. I have a sizable collection of digital audio books but I never have the patience to sit down and listen to them. At least, not the books that I’ve never read before. I would go the audio book route if it is a re-read, as I did for this year’s The Hobbit. I tried to do a first listen on The Red Necklace because it was read by Tom Hiddleston but I became to distracted by his voice and with what I was doing. I can multitask when listening to music but when it’s spoken word, I’d rather concentrate on that rather than pushing it to the background. I also audiobook’d Outlander but I treated it as a podcast… listening to it while on the road but never while doing other things.

Paperback or Hardcover?
Depends. If I started out a series with a hardcover copy, all of it should come the same way. But if I get into a series late and I get the latest book in hardcover, the format of the other books doesn’t matter. My Harry Potter 1 to 3 are paperback from Scholastic and the 4th one is paperback from Bloomsbury. 5 to 7 are all hardcover.

Adult or Young Adult?
Adult. Yes, I’ve warmed up to YA in recent months but it tends to sound the same after 2-3 books. I need to mix it up or else I’ll go back to disliking it again. Whereas with adult – that includes general contemporary fiction as well as erotica – I can read a whole 5-part series and not get tired of it.

Series or standalone?
prefer standalones because once they’re done, they’re done. But I also like finished series. Because I can read then at my own pace and I know that I don’t have to wait for a new one. I do like unfinished series but we all know about the frustration of having to wait years for the next installment and then it ends up being crap, you know? But I’ve started a lot of series… I just need to up and finish them.

Dog ears or bookmarks?
Bookmarks. I hate creases on books. Even on the spines.

Breaking the spine or barely opening the book?
See above. 😉 I have books that I’ve owned for years and re-read many times but still look brand new. That is, until you notice the yellowing paper.

Borrow or buy?
Buy. Confession: I was a Library Science student but never in my life have I checked out a book from a library. Either I read it on site or photo copy the parts that I need.

Bookstore or online?
Both. I usually scope out what I like from the bookstore and if it’s cheaper online (with free shipping), that’s where I’ll get it. I know that’s cheating somewhat but I gotta be practical. 😉

Fiction or non-fiction?
Fiction. I’m picky with non-fiction. I mostly like True Crime and Military.

Fantasy world or real life issues?
Fantasy. One of the reasons why I will never ever be a 100% fan of YA is the “real life issues” aspect. Too much drama, sometimes much more than in actual real life, and besides, my life has enough drama. (One of the main reasons why I disliked The Fault in Our Stars is because I’ve experienced worse loss than Hazel Grace. Sorry.)

Kindle, iPad, or other?
I have both and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook. I dislike reading on my iPad. I’m currently getting a lot of mileage on my SGT4N. But I try to alternate between that and my Kindle. After all, they accommodate different formats.

Monster read or short & sweet?
I prefer a monster read but we all need short & sweets from time to time.

Starry-eyed romance or full of action?
If I can get both in one book, that would be swell. Outlander, anyone?

Curl up in a Snuggie or bathe in the sun?
Snuggie. No sun for me.

Read the review or decide for yourself?
Honestly, I tend to read reviews or at least check out the star ratings. Or judge the book by its cover. Sorry, not sorry.

Zombies or unicorns?
Zombies. (Vampires actually but the undead in general.)

Okay. Wasn’t that fun? Link back if you decide to do it too. 🙂

LIEBSTER AWARD | Read and Survive

I accept your nomination, Read and Survive blog!  Thank you very much!  I was nominated for a Liebster on my other blog too.  You can check out my answers there, Orange Kissu.  That had a slightly different set of rules but I do like answering these kinds of stuff.


(1) answer 11 questions about yourself
(2) ask 11 more questions to your nominations and
(3) nominate 11 blogs to pass on the award by linking to their blog and then letting them know about the nomination


1. Why is your blog called the way it’s called?
Because… I couldn’t think of a catchy name and I was itching to start a book blog already.  I wanted it to sound “formal and proper” because… reasons.  I’m not even sure now haha.  Sometimes I want to change it because it sounds lame and boring but at the end of the day, I can’t think of other names.  I may stick with it for a bit while longer.  What do you think?

2. Why do you blog?
I love writing.  And I love reading other blogs.  It’s a release and something to occupy my time.  I like the sense of responsibility it gives me.  Whether I have readers or not, I like to put out material regularly.

3, What is your favorite color. Why?
Orange.  Not like Effie’s hair.  More like a sunset kind of orange.  And no, Peeta, I got first dibs on that color.  It’s like Suzanne Collins reached into my brain and pulled that description out.  I also like orange that leans toward the coral side.

4, What is your favorite type of book to read?
I keep saying that I will read anything.  And I will.  But I do have a preference.  If I’m at a total loss, I will gravitate to either historical fiction or mystery/thrillers.

5. Coffee or tea?
Coffee.  I love my Keuring Mini Plus.  But then again, I also love my Teavana Perfect Teamaker.

6. Do you have a lucky number?
Eight.  Again, Josh Hutcherson, I didn’t choose those because 8 is your jersey number lol.  In school, my friends made it a part of my name.  C8.  Grammatically, it doesn’t make sense but I spell my name with a C, so there.

7. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why?
I would say Peeta Mellark, Jane Eyre, Legolas, and Aragorn.  I like Peeta because he’s the most adorable doormat ever and his only flaw is loving Katniss.  I cannot fault him for that.  Jane Eyre because she’s a no nonsense female character that even when she was so wronged, she never bitched and moaned and she stayed strong.  Legolas because he sings lol.  Aragorn because he’s the best.

8. If only you had time to blog about all topic you like, what are those topics?
I have a lot to say about a lot of things.  I enjoy making lists and answering questions so I guess if I have to make this a niche blog, I’ll make a listography out of it.

9, Do you have a fictional crush? Who?
Who doesn’t?  😉  Although I have more celebrity crushes than fictional crush.  Right now, it’s Jamie Fraser.

10. Your idols? Role models?
Uh… I don’t know about role models but here’s a short list of people that I admire: Benedict Cumberbatch, Lee Pace, Josh Hutcherson, Sam Heughan, Diana Gabaldon.  Off the top of my head.

11. Favorite season of the year?
Autumn.  They say that your favorite season is the season when you were born.  I was born in September, fall.  I love how chilly the weather becomes, how the leaves turn yellow and go all crunchy.  I don’t like the heat and autumn has the perfect blend of chilly and warmth.


1. If you are moving to a fictional world – either found in books or screen – where will you choose to settle and why?
2. If you can change the ending of a particular book, which one is it and how will you change it?
3. How long do you think you’ll last in The Hunger Games?
4. Browse your own blog.  Now, post a link to your favorite post that you wrote.
5. Can you recommend other blogs – book-related or not – that I should be reading?
6. Have you purchased a book just because you saw your idol holding/reading it?  (I have. Many times.)
7. You’re meeting your favorite celebrity.  Autograph or picture?  Pick just one, can’t be both.
8. What is your fantasy dream cast for [insert book-to-movie here]?  (Even if a movie exists for that book already.)
9. What is your stand in the ever-changing debate of… “the printed word vs digital books”?
10. Name a book and/or movie that you and your mother both love.
11.  Why are you following/reading my blog?  For whatever reason, THANK YOU!


Whoever wants to do it!  I don’t know a lot of other book bloggers that well or even if I do, they’ve been nominated so many times already.  I encourage you to participate whether you are nominated or not.  Keeping a blog takes a lot of work and you should be rewarded for the effort you are putting into it.

But for the purposes of the original meme, I name these bloggers as nominees.  You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to or if you don’t have time though:

1. It’s Jean’s Listhttp://jeanquiambao.net/
2. Kobsupang Robertsonhttp://kobsupangrobertson.com/
3. The Book Nookeryhttp://bookistry.wordpress.com/
4. Lyn Chinghttp://www.readingtsinoy.blogspot.com/
5. Vanessa Cohhttp://staywithmealwayslove.tumblr.com/
6. Hip to be Squarehttp://jhip.blogspot.com/
7. Love A Librarianhttp://lovealibrarian.blogspot.com/
8. Splurkhttp://splurk.wordpress.com/
9. Whimsical Postshttp://whimsicalposts.wordpress.com/
10. Little Green Orchidshttp://www.littlegreenorchids.com/
11. Mary Macapagal = http://marymacapagal.com