The last one I’ve done was in November. 2017. Oh boy.

I almost forgot what the header I made for this tag looked like. For shame. XD But I want to talk about books again. I may not be buying a lot but I’m reading a lot. So here we go!

  • I’m currently reading…
  • Up next I think I’ll read…
  • I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
  • I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I can’t wait to get a copy of…
  • I wish I could read ___, but…
  • I blogged about ____ this past week…

If you’re not following me on GoodReads (feel free to do so), it may seem that I’m not doing much reading. Apart from my wrap-ups, I don’t really talk about that. Hey, I don’t even post reviews anymore. Although, I do get inspired from time to time. I may post them on GoodReads but I don’t feel like putting them here because they really are just word vomit blocks of text, essentially knee-jerk reactions written as soon as I finish the book.

(If you like that, do let me know. I may be persuaded to cross post LMAO.)

As of this post, I’ve read 47 books so far out of my yearly goal of 25. Yes, a good chunk of that is manga. And audio book. But hey, if that’s the way I can put in some extra reading, why not? They’re fun. Also, I’ve gotten so much use from my Kobo Aura ONE. I love it so much.

I am currently reading 2 books — an audio book, Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco and Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas. Two very different books. I am enjoying both immensely.

I’m currently 70% through Birthday Girl. Shoot me but I love the age gap trope in NA contemporary. Not much into the dark and twisted BSDM kinky stuff though. Anyway, this book is about a 19-year-old girl falling for her boyfriend’s dad who is 39 years old. I heard this from Jess from Peace Love Books and immediately got my copy. Now, I’m trying not to fill my TBR with other age gap romances. I know people have a hard time with this trope but I love it. Oh boy, I love it. I could’ve finished this book in one sitting but I had to stop myself to do other things… like watch The Avengers: Infinity War.

Stalking Jack the Ripper was in my TBR for the longest time. I’m enjoying the audio book so much. It gripped me from the first sentence. I love mystery stories on audio. I’m able to grasp so much even though I’m only half paying attention. But this is not the first one I listened to after Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant. I put Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor on hold. Not DNF though. I may read it in the future. But not through audio. I got through 8 hours of it and I can’t remember anyone or what’s going on. I wasn’t bored per se but I was rather uninterested. I thought it would work because I read and loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy on audio. Laini Taylor’s writing is nothing short of magical. But it wasn’t working for me on Strange the Dreamer.

I might finish both books within the week. I may read another age gap NA contemporary after Birthday Girl. Do you have any suggestions? 😉

For this week’s random question: Do you like to read outside?

Yes, I do. On the train is my favorite place to read. I have less distractions outside than reading in my room. I can tune out the rest of the world but when I get the urge to watch anime or an anisong concert on my laptop, my reading’s done lol. That’s not to say I can’t read indoors though.

So what are you currently reading? Or… what was your latest DNF? I want to know!


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